Trains our records management professionals to complete all certifications needed in the Imaging and Information Security Industry. Our managers constantly push our staff to be the best and exceed the minimum standards. We invest in the latest equipment to maximize effectiveness. This ensures our clients constantly receive the best service possible.
At ACCSES Secure, we understand the importance and value of training and retraining for our employees to ensure they are performing above industry standards. We provide continuous training for all document management and destruction staff to ensure our customers are satisfied.
We are fully confident in our staff and guarantee that your records will be over 99 percent accurate—fully compliant with government regulations. This guarantee applies to both our scanning and data entry services which serve all 21 counties in New Jersey.
Lenora Miko
Statewide Sales Manager
150 W State Street, Suite 120
Trenton, NJ 08608
P: 609-503-1930
F: 609-392-3236